mardi 11 janvier 2011

Second article du jour: A Killing Separation

Regis Arnaud, le correspondant du Figaro à Tokyo, a écrit, en anglais, sur le site du « Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan » un article sur deux suicides de pères français désespérés de ne plus pouvoir voir leurs enfants après leur séparation de leur épouse japonaise : A Killing Separation.

Je relève le communiqué de l’ambassadeur:
France is particularly touched by these tragedies. There have been many unions between Japanese women and French men, and many breakups. Simon’s death was shocking enough to the French community for the French ambassador to issue a stern and in many ways personal press release afterward: “Mr. Simon recently told the Consulate of the hardships he endured to meet his son, and it is most probable that to be cut off from his son was one of the main reasons (for his suicide). This reminds us, if necessary, of the pain of the 32 French fathers and of the 200 other (foreign cases involving) fathers known to foreign consulates as deprived of their parental rights.”

(j’ai pris connaissance de cet article grâce au blog

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