jeudi 15 septembre 2011

Joël Legendre à Kyoto

Je recopie une information du site internet de la Délégation de l’Union Européenne au Japon:

Risk communication during emergencies - 1 October Conference, Kyoto

Conference organised by
the EU Delegation to Japan together with EU Member States
and the National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies in Tokyo (GRIPS)
In association with Nature Café
“Risk communication during emergencies”
An informal exchange of views between European and Japanese
Media, Science and Government representatives
Grand Prince Hotel Kyoto
1 October 2011

On the occasion of the STS Forum, high-level government representatives, eminent scientists and science administrators are meeting in Kyoto to discuss the relationship between science and society. This year the EU Delegation to Japan is using this opportunity to organise an informal exchange of views on “Risk communication during emergencies” next to the STS Forum. The possibility to include high-ranking representatives from all over the world is rare and offers a unique occasion for international actors to discuss this important topic.
Key persons representing Science, Government and Media will discuss their views regarding Technology Assessment and Risk Communication in three panels:
1) Media and Science,
2) Government and Science and
3) Media and Government.
These panels will be chaired by
Philip Campbell (UK), Chief Editor of Nature and
Prof Atsushi Sunami of GRIPS, who has just been nominated special adviser to Cabinet Minister Furukawa responsible also for science, technology and space policies
These panels will analyse what needs to be achieved in times of emergency, what understanding for a viable communication system that can operate globally.
Among the speakers are:
Paul Ruebig, (AT) Member of the European Parliament (EP), Chair of STOA (the EP's Science, Technology Options Assessment Bureau)
Sir John Beddington, Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government
Prof . Masuo Aizawa, Executive Member, Council for Science & Technology Policy (Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
AsahikoTaira, Executive Director of JAMSTEC
Jan Staman, Director Rathenau Insitute, the Netherlands.
Johannes Hano, German TV - ZDF, who reported on Fukushima
Junko Adachi - The Mainichi Newspapers
Joel Legendre – correspondent RTL France
The conference will not go into the details of the Fukushima accident but should draw from relevant lessons to build an international system that can quickly respond to emerging questions anywhere in the world. What general preparation, what networks and systems are needed to react rapidly? What institutions could be used to inform concerned parties, also internationally? What input does media need to be ready for communication? What kind of information is useful and can be prepared?
The conference will open up new perspectives and initiate new structural elements for cases of emergency in a more comprehensive and global manner.

The event will be organised with support from NPG Nature Asia-Pacific and held in association with Nature Café. Please follow the direct link to the NATURE Café registration site. Link to the registration site will be available on the evening of the 15th of September.
Registration on 1 October starts at 13:00 - the conference will start at 13:30
「緊急時におけるリスクコミュニケーション」 京都、10月1日(土)

駐日欧州連合代表部および欧州連合加盟国主催、Nature Café協力
日時: 2011年10月1日(土)13:30-16:55(受付開始13:00-)
会場: グランドプリンスホテル京都、ロイヤルルーム
主催: 駐日欧州連合(EU)代表部
協力: NPG Nature Asia-Pacific

科学技術と人類の未来に関する国際フォーラム (STS フォーラム)の開催にあたり、各国の政府高官や著名な科学者、科学技術政策決定者が京都に参集し、科学と社会の関係について論議が行われます。この機会に 駐日欧州連合(EU)代表部は、「緊急時におけるリスクコミュニケーション」に関するメディア・科学者・政府間の意見交換会を開催します。世界中から各界 の有力な代表者が一堂に会するというめったにない機会を利用し、国際的なアクターにこの重要な問題について論議していただきます。
科学界、政府、メディアを代表する識者がテクノロジーアセスメントとリスクコミュニケーションに関して、1)メディアと科学、2)政府と科学、3) メディアと政府の3つのパネルに分かれて議論します。これらのパネルディスカッションを通して緊急時に必要なグローバルで実行可能なコミュニケーションシ ステムについて分析をします。
- 相澤益男(総合科学技術会議議員)(略歴) 
- 平朝彦(独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構 理事)
- パウル・リュービヒ(欧州議会議員、欧州議会STOA (Science, Technology Options Assessment)委員長)(略歴(英語))
- サー・ジョン・べディントン(英国政府首席科学顧問)(略歴) 
- フィリップ・キャンベル(Nature、チーフ・エディター)((略歴(英語))
- ヨハネス・ハーノ (ドイツZDFテレビ)
- ハンス・ディートマール・シュヴァイスグート(駐日欧州連合大使) (略歴)

Les lecteurs attentifs auront remarqué que les versions japonaise et anglaise ne donnent pas la même liste de noms.

Sauf erreur de ma part, Joël Legendre est l’un des rares journalistes travaillant pour un media français à ne pas s’être enfui comme un lapin après la catastrophe de Fukushima.

1 commentaire:

  1. merci fidèle papillon du Kansai pour votre message, en effet je suis resté à mon poste Tokyo et Tohoku.
    Mes reportages sont sur RTL France, sur mon blog Asiangazette
    et facebook

    Contact FCCJ 03 3211 3161
